Welcome to CHAMP Children

CHAMP Children is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with hopes to lighten the burden by giving financial assistance to families who are not able to cover the cost of childcare & required therapy services, in hopes of giving their child a Brighter Future.

Child Care Assistance

Many families in the state of New Jersey struggle to pay for the hefty costs of child care. Child care tuition represents a major household expense for the families in New Jersey, and is essential in order for parents and/or guardians to make a living. CHAMP Childrens’ goal is to help ease this financial burden that comes with sending a child to a quality child care center. Overall, we hope to help families give their child a Brighter Future. Financial Assistance may be provided for:

  • Tuition for License Child Care Centers
  • Before and After Care Tuition
  • Summer Camp Programs
Group of nursery children sitting on the floor in their classroom with their teachers. The female teacher is reading from a book.

Therapy Services


Many children are often referred by their pediatrician and/or school to be evaluated to receive special required therapy services such as speech/language therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Without these therapy services many children struggle to thrive, but unfortunately families may not have insurance or these services may not be fully covered by insurance.

CHAMP Children is here to help alleviate the financial stress that may come with the cost of these services. Financial Assistance may be provided for:

  • Evaluations and Special Testing
  • Co-Pays
  • Cost to meet deductible
  • Out of Pocket Therapy Costs
  • Travel Costs

Special Programs

There are many programs out there that cater to the special needs of each child such as sports, music, summer camp, visual and performing arts, animal assisted therapeutic programs and independent living skills programs. Unfortunately, these programs can be costly but also necessary for children to develop and grow.

Service dog working with children in the preschool


Drop us a note. We happy to help.
